GitHub PR template Builder

In the world of software development, collaboration and efficient workflow are vital for successful project management. One powerful tool that aids in this process is the pull request (PR) template. Pull request templates provide a standardized structure and set of guidelines for developers to follow when submitting code changes, streamlining the review process and improving overall project quality. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of using pull request templates and provide practical tips for creating effective templates that enhance collaboration and efficiency. You can also create your own pull request template with Pullpo’s pull request template builder!

Create Your Own PR Template

Using Pullpo’s pull request template builder, you can easily generate a fully customizable PR template. The user-friendly site allows you to tailor the template to your preferences and team requirements. Here’s a quick tutorial:

  1. Browse the options on the left window to choose the sections you want in your template.
  2. Drag and drop the selected sections into the middle window.
  3. Make any desired edits and customizations in the right window.
  4. Copy the template from the right window by clicking the upper-right button.
  5. Optionally, subscribe to Pullpo by entering your email address to stay updated.
  6. Paste the template into your GitHub repository.
    Enjoy your new efficient PR template! If you need to make further changes, simply revisit Pullpo’s PR template builder and edit it as needed.
Pullpo's PR template Builder

Creating Effective Pull Request Templates

To create effective pull request templates, consider the following tips:

  1. 🎯Keep it concise and focused: The template should include only essential information relevant to the review process, avoiding excessive verbosity.
  2. 🔍Use clear and descriptive headings: Break down the template into sections with clear headings to help reviewers quickly navigate and understand the content.
  3. 📚Provide examples and instructions: Include examples or instructions within the template to guide developers in providing the necessary information effectively.
  4. 🔀Customize for different types of changes: Consider creating multiple templates tailored to specific types of changes, such as bug fixes, new features, or refactoring. This customization ensures that the template remains relevant to the specific context.
  5. 📝Seek feedback and iterate: Continuously seek feedback from your team members and iterate on the template based on their suggestions. Regularly reviewing and improving the template helps ensure it remains effective and meets the evolving needs of the team.

Adding Your Pull Request Template to GitHub.

To add a pull request template on GitHub:

  1. Go to the main repository page.
  2. Above the file list, click “Add File” in the dropdown menu and select “Create New File.” Alternatively, use the file tree view on the left and click the “+” button.

3.   In the file name field, choose one of the following options:

4.   For a template in the repository’s root directory, name it “”

5.   For a template in the “docs” directory, name it “docs/”

6.   To store the template in a hidden directory, name it “.github/”

7.   To create multiple templates, use the format “.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/” or store them in a “PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE” subdirectory within root or “docs.”

8.   Add the content of your pull request template in the file body. Include relevant details like related issues, proposed changes, and @mentions for reviewers.

9.   Click “Commit changes.”

10. Provide a meaningful commit message and choose to commit directly to the current branch or create a new branch for your changes.

11.  Templates become available to collaborators once merged into the repository’s default branch.

12.  Click “Commit changes” or “Propose changes.”

That’s it! Your pull request template is ready to enhance your collaboration process.


Pull request templates play a crucial role in enhancing collaboration, streamlining the review process, and maintaining code quality in software development projects. By providing a standardized structure and guidelines, these templates promote effective communication, enforce best practices, and encourage knowledge sharing within development teams. By investing the time to create well-crafted pull request templates, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your team's workflow, leading to better code quality, reduced errors, and increased productivity. Make your own PR template that works for you and your team using Pullpo’s PR template builder!